For Ears That Hear

The Lord said: "Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."

About Us

“Also He said to them, “Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Is it not to be put on a lampstand? For there is nothing that will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light.  If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

– Mark 4:21-23

Welcome! We Are Glad You Are Here!

Our purpose is simply to help you learn the truth of God’s word – straight from the Bible.  We are not an organization nor sponsored by any denomination. Nor do we ask you to join “our church” nor do we want you to donate money.  If you are seeking biblical truth, we want to help you increase your faith through a better understanding of God’s word.  These lessons on the Bible were developed from years of study without regard or bias from denominations or commentaries.  Though these lessons are intended to be helpful, we encourage you to study God’s word for yourself. Verify everything!  Let your faith be in God and not in men — or any man.  Love of truth requires a man to honor truth above his friends.

If you have any questions or comments on the information provided on this site, please contact us.

If you are a first-time visitor, we encourage you to view the series of lessons in the order in which they appear below.

Bible study, Bible lessons, bible verses

In this series of lessons, we consider what God has revealed to us about His nature and what this should tell us about how to please God.  Without this knowledge of Him, held with a real living faith, one cannot be pleasing to Him.  Remember, Jesus said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…”  Are you hearing the Father?

This series of lessons presents the Lord’s plan of salvation from His own words. If it is not His plan, it is not THE plan. Have you really heard the true plan of salvation?  

For Ears That Hear

In this series we explore having real knowledge of God, and knowing and having fellowship in the mystery of God.  This mystery proves God does not change.  Though many false teachers have gone out, neither the desires of these men nor their declarations, will change the word of God.

This series looks at the God inspired books of the Bible and His creation.  Like the creation itself, there are evidences that show the mighty hand of God in so many ways.  The Scriptures prove that only God, with perfect foreknowledge of the events, could have revealed such a volume to mankind and preserved that amazing love letter.  Thus God has made available to man an ability and blessing to have a provable faith; to truly know what His will is, and to have knowledge of Him, if men would but seek Him.  There is no excuse for not seeking Him, for God has not left Himself without a witness, both in creation and in His Word.  Can you see the testimony of His Word and His creation?

This series of lessons looks at the attempts of the devil and his workers to redefine words or doctrines to keep man in ignorance.  Many in the world do not recognize these attempts to make men think they have peace with God when, in reality, they do not.  Have you been tempted by readings from the “Devil’s Dictionary”?

In this series of lessons, we explore some of the reasons denominations exist, and consider this in relation to what the scripture actually teaches.  There is only one Christ, and only one body.  Yet why are men not bothered by all the divisions?  Who is being served with these divisions and varied teachings?