Have You REALLY Heard the Good News of Christ?

Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life, yet so many are out there teaching their own ways, their own mind, and their own version of grace, deceiving many with what is not the gospel of Christ.  Jesus also warned man about these false prophets, and of a ‘wide gate’ for a reason.  However, those who are of the truth will hear His voice.  If you really want to learn the true grace of God, look to His  word to hear what He says, not to what men tell you.

The Plan of Salvation Can Only Come From the Lord

Lesson 1:

It's The Lord's Plan of Salvation

In this lesson we contrast what some men ‘say’ the plan of salvation is – with what the Lord actually said it is.  If it doesn’t come from the Lord, then it’s not the Lord’s plan; and no other plan will end in salvation.  Question is…Have you Really heard the Lord?

Lesson 2:

The Simplicity that is in Christ
Part 1: It's About Jesus

The devil has set out to deceive through appearing to be an angel of light.  Those who are his do the same.  Now, after two thousand years, there are so many false doctrines out there that many do not understand the simple, foundational message of Christ.  Because of this, the denominational world has gone away from the truth of the gospel, and is eagerly pursuing tower of Babel doctrines.  In this lesson we will show that many of the “plans of salvation” are false and missing the entire point of the gospel.

Lesson 3:

The Simplicity that is in Christ
Part 2: It's About a Marriage

Like in part one of this series, we sadly see so many in the denominational world missing the simple, fundamental point of the ‘good news’ of Jesus.  Even though God has set out the pattern from the beginning, many men are ignorant of what is right before their eyes.  In this lesson we will explore some of the truths of the gospel that are taught in marriage, and some of the truths of a Godly marriage taught in the gospel.